By admin on augusti 9, 2017
Posted in Environment, Nature | Tagged cigarette fimp, cigarettes, climate, cycle of nature, death, ecosystem, environment, environmental destruction, fimp, fish, illustration, Max Gustafson, nature, poisoning, satire, satirizing, sea, Sewage, snuff, tobacco, water, waterfowl |
By admin on februari 12, 2016
Posted in Environment, Psychology | Tagged carbon dioxide, cartoon, climate, climate change, conscience, emission cars, environment, environmental catastrophe, environmental degradation, environmental disaster, global warming, hamburger restaurant, Max Gustafson, meat, political satire, pollution |
By admin on december 15, 2015
Posted in Employment, Environment, Nature, Society | Tagged business as usual, car, career, cartoonist, cartoonists, climate, climate change, disaster, environment, environmental disaster, exhaust, flood, global warming, hamster wheel, house, hurricane, illustration, job, Max Gustafson, money, mother earth, nature, political satire, pollution, storm, sustainable lifestyles, tree, water, weather, wind, windy weather, work, workaholic |
By admin on september 30, 2015
Posted in Economy, Environment, Nature, Politics | Tagged agreement, alternative energy sources, anger, BP, cartoon, climate, climate change, climate deniers, climate negotiations, commitment to the environment, editorial cartoon, energy, environment, environmental disaster, Exxon, fossil, fossils industry, frustration, global, illustration, lobbying, Max Gustafson, oil, oil companies, oil industry, oil lobbyists, Paris, political cartoonist, pollution, rage, renewable, satire, satire drawing, Shell, solar cells, solar heating, solar power, the climate, wind power, wind turbines, Wrath |
By admin on februari 6, 2015
Posted in Environment, Nature | Tagged albatross, animator, birds, bottles, cartoonist, chemicals, ecosystems, environment, environmental disaster, fish, garbage, littering, Max Gustafson, nature, ocean, packaging, plastic, plastic bags, poison, pollution, polymer, rope, satire, seabirds, synthetic, trash, waste |
By Max Gustafson on oktober 29, 2013
Posted in Drugs and alcohol, Environment | Tagged addiction, addiction center, carbon, cars, cartooning, cartoonist, climate, climate change, clinic, co2 emissions, denial, drug addict, energy transition, environment, environmental disaster, environmental policy, gas, gasoline, global warming, Max Gustafson, oil, oil dependence, petroholic, petrol, petroleum, political satire, pollution, satire cartoon, support |
By Max Gustafson on augusti 30, 2013
Posted in Environment, Nature | Tagged cartoon, cartooning, cartoonist, climate, climate change, co2, co2 emissions, comic, cows, developing countries, drawing, east, eastern countries, ecology, emission, environment, environmental disaster, fart, fences, global warming, illustrator, injustice, justice, marsh gas, Max Gustafson, methane gas, political satire, politics, pollution, population, poverty, satire, satire cartoon, the greenhouse effect, West, Western countries |
By Max Gustafson on augusti 1, 2013
Posted in Economy, Environment, Society | Tagged buy, cartoonist, climate, comic, consume, consumer society, consumerism, consumption, desposable, economy, environment, finance, gadgets, goods, growth, illustration, material happiness, Max Gustafson, money, natural resources, political satire, producing, satire, shop, shopping, society, spending, throwaway, toys, trash, unsustainable, waste |
By Max Gustafson on juli 28, 2013
Posted in Environment | Tagged carbon emissions, cartoon, cartoonist, climate, climate change, developed countries, developing country problems, disaster, discharges, environment, environmental disaster, fuel, gas, gas prices, gasoline, global warming, hut, ignorance, illustration, injustice, island, Max Gustafson, MDC, more developed country, nature, political cartoonist, politics, rising sea level, satire, satire cartoon, swgreen, tuvalu, western world |